Trinity Health System wishes General Surgeon Edward Picardi, M.D., FACS, DABS, and his wife, Sandy, a Registered Nurse, Godspeed as they travel to western Africa with World Medical Mission, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, to serve at the Hospital of Hope for the entire month of February.

Dr. Edward Picardi pictured at a clinic where he served on his last mission trip to Togo.
“Each year, my wife and I typically volunteer our services as a General Surgeon and Registered Nurse on medical missionary trips to provide care to those people most needy,” Dr. Picardi said. “The type of surgeries I perform are widespread, as is the field of General Surgery, everything from amputations, delivering babies, hernias and bowel operations, mastectomies, prostatectomies, hysterectomies, and everything in between, as I have been trained.”
The Picardis will be working with other volunteer medical missionaries.
“We’ll be spreading Our Lord’s message by providing much-needed surgical and nursing care to needy people in the smallest and poorest country on the continent, Togo,” Dr. Picardi said. “Many have never heard the name of ‘Jesus’ yet, and for the first time in their lives, they will experience sympathy and caring.”
Throughout his career, service has been one of Dr. Picardi’s priorities. While living in South Dakota, he and his wife volunteered wherever they were needed, he said, including on nearby Native American reservations. He has also participated in mission trips to Asia.

Dr. Picardi’s partner in life and healthcare, Sandy, enjoys the company of one of Togo’s friendliest citizens.
“A big part of being a physician is sacrifice and sharing,” Dr. Picardi said. “The volunteer missionary work we do, my wife Sandy and I believe, is an integral part of what it means to be both a Christian and a doctor and nurse.”