Why am I always so sleepy?
Doesn’t everyone snore?
Do I have a sleep disorder?
If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, it’s time to get some answers!
The Sleep Lab at Trinity Health System can help.
Give us a call today to discuss your options and get your life back on track.
If you wish to contact us by phone, please call: 740-264-8196 Mon-Fri: 8-4:30
We are located on the 2nd Floor, Trinity Medical Center West
If you would like to use email, our address is: [email protected]
If you don’t have a family physician, and would like to be seen for your sleep related issues, you can use our Online Appointment Request.
You will meet face to face with a Board Certified Sleep Doctor in the Sleep Clinic. Together, we will discuss your sleep issues and determine the appropriate testing if indicated.
Common Sleep Disorders
There are over 84 classified sleep disorders. The following sleep disorders are some of the most common ones seen by a sleep disorders specialist in a comprehensive sleep center setting.
Sleep apnea
Sleep Apnea is characterized by a cessation of breathing during sleep. Such episodes can happen hundreds of times at night, often resulting in EDS or, excessive daytime sleepiness. A major indicator of sleep apnea is snoring.
Sleep apnea can cause short-term problems, including:
- fatigue
- memory loss
- irritability
- impaired performance
Early diagnosis and treatment are essential. If left untreated, sleep apnea may lead to more severe problems such as:
- high blood pressure
- heart failure
- stroke
- diabetes
This disorder is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, despite the amount of sleep attained the previous night. Narcoleptics may have extreme difficulty staying awake, often falling asleep while at work, school, home, or even while driving. Other symptoms may include:
- sleep paralysis: a feeling of being paralyzed upon waking
- hallucinations: hearing or seeing things when falling asleep or upon awakening
- cataplexy: muscle weakness or loss of muscle tone associated with strong emotions such as anger or laughter
Periodic Limb Movements Disorder & Restless Legs Syndrome
Periodic Limb Movements Disorder is characterized by “jerking” movements during sleep which may awaken a person or their partner many times at night. Restless Legs Syndrome patients often report having “creeping” or “crawling” sensations in their limbs, prior to falling asleep. These symptoms are often relieved with walking or physical activity. Such patients may wake with a messy bed, sheets that are tossed aside, and bed partners complaining of that the patients “run a marathon” in their sleep.
Polls show that, at any given time, more than 49% of the population is suffering from some type of insomnia. Symptoms include difficulty getting to sleep or problems staying asleep. Insomnia can be a symptom of another problem, ranging from medical, psychiatric, and drug-related problems, to behavioral or internal sleep rhythm imbalances. It is important to determine whether one or more conditions are leading to the insomnia before treatment can be initiated.
Trinity’s Sleep Lab is proud to announce a national accreditation by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine with a full staff of credentialed registered polysomnographic technologists.
Has your work or school routine changed to an at-home format lately?
Here are some helpful tips to help you sleep better.