Herald-Star: Advantages of breastfeeding discussed during awareness month

Our thanks to Julie Stenger of the Herald-Star for interviewing Judy Davis, Registered Nurse II, Birth Center, Trinity Health System, during National Breastfeeding Awareness Month.

You can read an excerpt from Julie’s article below or you can read the piece in its entirety by clicking here.


STEUBENVILLE — Women who opt to breastfeed their child can often have questions about the process. They also may need support from someone whom they can talk to.

That is why every year, the month of August is recognized as National Breastfeeding Awareness Month.

Saturday marked the end of World Breastfeeding Week, a time when people can learn the advantages of breastfeeding over bottle feeding. These advantages are not only for the mothers, but for the child, as well as the economy.

Officials with Trinity Health System spoke about the advantages of breastfeeding, including Registered Nurse II Judy Davis, who works in the birthing center. Davis is an international, board-certified, lactation consultant — one of only 32,000 in the world.

She shared the importance in educating parents about the common challenges and misconceptions which surround breastfeeding and ways in which to overcome them.

Breastfeeding is the “gold standard,” she explained, saying there are numerous surprising advantages of which people are not aware.


Read the entire article by clicking here.