COMMEMORATING — Faith Hilterbrand, left, director of external partner relations for Lifeline of Ohio, spoke Tuesday at Trinity Medical Center West to commemorate Donate Life Month. Nearby, Dr. Haq Waqas, internal medicine resident, and Jessica Porter, nursing manager, presented a commemorative flag to be flown on Trinity West’s campus through the rest of the month. — Christopher Dacanay
Our thanks to the Herald-Star and reporter Christopher Dacanay for covering our flag-raising ceremony on Monday for Donate Life Month.
Here’s an excerpt from the article, which you can read in its entirety here.
STEUBENVILLE — Employees and others at Trinity Medical Center West raised a flag reading “Donate Life” and “Donation Saves Lives” on the hospital’s campus Tuesday, boosting awareness of the life-saving gift of organ donation.
Established in 2003 by Donate Life America and partnering organizations, National Donate Life Month is observed each year in April. The flag-raising is one of many ways Trinity is urging community members to “say ‘yes’ to donation” and possibly be a help to the more than 100,000 people in the U.S. waiting to receive a lifesaving transplant, said Jessica Porter, nursing manager for Trinity West’s critical care unit.
“One donor can save the lives of as many as eight people through organ donation, heal up to 75 others through the gift of tissue donation, give sight to two people through cornea donation and change the lives of generations to come through donation to research,” Porter said. “Today, we recognize this ripple effect of donation as we honor the selfless generosity of donors and their families.”
Trinity’s donors doubled from last year, Porter said, in part due to effective education and awareness. After only three months in 2024, the health system has received three organ, four tissue and six cornea donations — a major improvement from 2023, which saw one organ, 11 tissue and 22 eye donations.
Porter said those 2024 donations, which included lungs, livers and kidneys, already have touched eight different lives for the better.
Read the rest of the article by clicking here.
And don’t forget to join in on our Donate Life Blue & Green Spirit Week, happening now! Here are all the details: