This article by reporter Linda Harris was originally published on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, in the Herald-Star.
STEUBENVILLE — Trinity Health System saluted a man Monday whose death saved the lives of three people he never met and helped 21 others heal.
“It was a hard decision,” his daughter, Sierra Johnson said. “I can remember in the beginning, I thought about not doing it, but I’m glad we ultimately did.”
Jessica Porter, clinical director for Trinity’s intensive care unit, said one of his kidneys went to a woman in Virginia, the other to a man in Michigan. His liver went to someone in Illinois. Six people received corneal donations, while 15 others benefited from tissue donations.
Stock’s family may never know exactly who his organs and tissue helped, but his daughter said it’s enough to know other people lived because of him.

For WTOV 9’s coverage of yesterday’s Donate Life flag-raising, please click here. For WTRF’s coverage, please click here.
For the original One Spirit blog post on National Donate Life Month, click here.
We thank all of the media organizations who provided us with coverage of this special event!
Throughout this week, Trinity Health System has events planned to celebrate organ donation:
- An informational table will be stationed outside our cafeteria where folks can sign up to be an organ donor or learn more about being an organ donor.
- A donor quilt will be on display.
- On Thursday, April 13, at 7 p.m., Trinity Health System will host a live Q&A on Facebook with Lifeline of Ohio COO Jennifer Smith and Trinity Health System’s Jessica Porter, Clinical Nurse Manager, Critical Care.
- On Friday, April 14, the staff is encouraged to wear blue and green, the official colors of Donate Life, and throughout the month, they’ll be donning Donate Life gear.
- Local elementary schools will be contributing an artistic flare to our celebration by coloring Donate Life pages to help decorate our hospital floors.
Stop by to see this beautiful Donate Life Quilt on display outside our cafeteria at the Trinity Medical Center West campus.