Lede News: Trinity’s Dr. Suresh Srinivasan to Discuss Pain Awareness Month

Our thanks to Steve Novotney of Lede News for interviewing Dr. Suresh Srinivasan, Pain Management Specialist, Trinity Health System, during Pain Management Awareness Month.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

He’s all about the blend of medical innovation, evidence-based medicine, and compassion to meet each patient’s individual goals when it comes to creating medical methods to relieve a person’s pain, and that’s exactly what Dr. Suresh Srinivasan will discuss tomorrow afternoon on River Talk 100.1 FM…

…He’s trained in general surgery and anesthesiology, and he enjoys being on the local River Talk airwaves to discuss healthcare topics that are important to the people here in the Upper Ohio Valley.

To help prepare local listeners, Dr. Srinivasan offers the following information.


To read this article in its entirety, please click here.