Pray er
In our busy work lives, it is important to make room for prayer and spiri- tual reflection. Catholic Health Initiatives is pleased to offer resources for these activities in the form of Sacred Stories. These stories — written by employees, physicians, volunteers and others associated with Catholic Health Initiatives — are powerful, moving examples of the ministry culture of our health care system. As examples of our core values in action, they provide rich material for reflections, prayers and the daily inspiration that helps us continue the healing ministry of Jesus.
This week’s Sacred Stories comes from Ann Bertoch, RN, MSN of St. Gabriel’s Hospital Little Falls, Minnesota
Summer days bring increased traffic to the busy highway that runs from the Twin Cities through Little Falls and on to the central Minnesota lakes area. Unfortunately, accidents sometimes come along with the increased volume of traffic.
One day, we received a call that ambulances had been dispatched to
a multiple-vehicle accident with five victims, including children. The emergency services department rallied to find any available personnel, including me, to help treat the victims.
One of the vehicles had been driven by a grandmother who had five- and ten-year-old grandsons with her in the car. Another nurse and I were assigned to take care of her. She was very agitated and repeatedly asked about the boys, who were being examined in adjacent emergency room bays.
The other nurse was able to check on the boys and tell the grandmother that they were conscious and talking. She wanted to see them and touch them, but all three were on backboards with cervical collars and equipment attached to them.
The younger grandson was extremely frightened and wanted to see his grandmother. The ER physician had triaged him and it appeared his injuries were relatively minor. Although the nurse caring for him, Kim, did everything to reassure and calm him, he became more and more anxious. Kim had young children of her own and realized that her patient would soon lose any ability to stay calm because he wanted
to see “Grandma.”
Kim and I pulled the grandson’s gurney into his grandmother’s treatment bay so he could be next to her. We heard his small voice say, “Grandma, are you okay? I love you.” Neither one of them could turn to look the other because they were still secured in cervical collars. Kim and I pushed the two stretchers closer together so he could reach his small hand over to hold his grandmother’s hand.
The joining of their hands spoke volumes about the kind of care we want to be known for. I was never so proud of a simple, compassionate act performed at just the right time.
Emotional needs are as important as physical needs. In what ways might you improve in assessing and responding to the emotional and spiritual needs of others?
How might you better demonstrate compassion in your daily responsibilities?
The White Mass for all TRINITY employees will be on September 15 at 10A in Sullivan Hall. Bishop Jeffrey Monforton will celebrate this Mass for ALL Medical Professionals. Reception will follow the Mass. All are encouraged and invited to attend. Please email me back to RSVP: [email protected]
Reed Bentzinger and myself cordially invite you to join our Steubenville Young Adult Ministry. The ministry is centered on five components: Spiritual, Social, Cultural, Service, and Athletics.
Finding good and wholesome friends is extremely difficult these days. We are meeting bimonthly to support and enjoy the company of amazing people who desire to travel with you on your life’s path and assist you in writing your own sacred stories!
For more information, please visit our Facebook group: or by emailing [email protected].
Do you have any news to share so we can celebrate or sympathize with you? Perhaps a death of an immediate family member (or a loved one of a colleague – be sure to get their permission), or birth of a child, an engagement, or graduation from a program. Share with me so I can share with the entire organization!!! Email [email protected] |