Reflections – Tuesday – July 16, 2019

True reverence is shown through the hospitality of a warm, personal and engaging service and can only be achieved when the other person believes you’re on their side. Have you ever walked into a restaurant or hotel and been completely ignored by the staff? A server walks by you, a busser, a bartender, even a manager walks by you and never acknowledges you—almost like you were a piece of furniture that required no attention.

The 10/5 Rule is the single best practice to deliver true hospitality. It’s quite simple—When we are 10 feet from someone, we smile and make direct eye contact. And when we are five feet from them, we verbally greet. Let’s remember that God acknowledges and greets us each and everyday and so should we with one another.
Dear Lord, there were times when I avoid others or showed disrespect. Teach me to be hospitable and kind as you would be toward me. Amen.