“As you get out of bed each morning and stumble into the bathroom, jump-start each day with a positive attitude. Look in the mirror and say, ‘Good Morning. I love you. We’re going to have a great day!'”


Jill implemented this plan at home. She stood over her husband’s side of the bed one morning and whispered in his ear, “Good Morning. I love you! We’re going to have a great day!”


Dan opened one eye and said, “What? Are you crazy?”


She just smiled and went across the hallway to their five-year-old son’s bedroom. She opened the door and repeated the greeting. Jeff rolled over and said: “Go away mom!”


She smiled again and went across the hallway to check on Dan. She couldn’t believe it. He was already up, dressing!


She trotted back to Jeff’s room. To her surprise he too was out of bed, putting on his clothes!


Jill turned this greeting into a morning ritual. She had been especially worried about her five-year-old’s negative attitude. Each morning, she woke Jeff with her new greeting, and each morning, he gave her some sort of a cynical retort.


Her worries ended when one morning, she opened his bedroom door and before she could speak, Jeff looked up at her with his big brown eyes and said, “Good Morning. I love you, Mom. We’re going to have a great day!”


At some point, we too may have some negative attitudes that need to be changed so that our day may be a lot more enjoyable and much more meaningful. For today, let us take good care of each other with words of kindness and affirmation. May God bless you and have a great day.