Dr. Samuel Licata, General Surgeon at Trinity Health System, will be interviewed at 3 p.m. today (Thursday, September 21, 2023) on Novotney Now, a local radio talk show hosted by veteran journalist Steve Novotney, who has been a voice in the Ohio Valley for nearly 20 years.
Dr. Licata will discuss Trinity Health System’s extensive use of robotic surgical technology. He recently completed his 1000th robotic surgical procedure; overall, Trinity Health System has performed over 2500 cases using robotic technology.
For more than 10 years, Dr. Licata has been a recognized expert in the field of robotic surgery. He completed his robotic training through Da Vinci Robotic Surgical Systems in March 2013, is certified by Intuitive for Site Visit, and is a Certified Proctor for Robotics by Intuitive.

Novotney Now can be heard in the Steubenville/Weirton areas on 100.9 FM and AM1430 WEIR and in the Wheeling area on 100.1 FM and AM1290 WOMP.
You can also stream Novotney Now here: https://us7.maindigitalstream.com/4411/