Same day appointments available by
calling 844-TPG-CALL (844-874-2255)
Comprehensive Laboratory Services
Comprehensive Laboratory Services
Trinity offers Walk-In Lab Draw services at this location.
Comprehensive Radiology Services
Comprehensive Radiology Services
Trinity offers Diagnostic Radiology, Ultrasound, and Bone Density services. In mid to late December we will be offering Screening Mammography Services at this location.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy
Trinity offers full service Physical Therapy Services at this location.
Outpatient Services Center
Belmont County

Trinity Health System Belmont Medical Plaza in St. Clairsville, Ohio offers a variety of imaging and testing in one location. The center offers convenient parking, registration and easy access to a variety of state of the art imaging, testing and outpatient services. If you are a patient or a referring physician, we strive to provide a quick turnaround of test results and delivery of care with human kindness.
Cardiovascular Testing:
- Exercise Stress Test
- Nuclear stress, MUGA, Myocardial Viability, Cardiac Amyloidosis
- Dobutamine/Stress Echo
- 3D/Echocardiogram
- Carotid, Venous, Arterial, Renal Artery Duplex
- Holter/Event Monitoring
Laboratory Testing:
- CLIA certified lab
- Monthly Community Blood Screenings (4th Wednesday of the month)
- Testing referred to Trinity Medical Center West for timely results
Physical Therapy:
- Chronic and acute pain management
- Generalized weakness/deconditioning
- Balance deficits
- Difficulty walking following CVA, TBI, etc.
- Pre/post-surgical rehabilitation
- Fall prevention
- Sport and work related injuries
- Work conditioning
- Mammography
- Ultrasound
- X-ray
- Bone Density
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Home Sleep Study
- Home Oxygen Evaluation
Trinity Health System Medical Plaza