Trinity Health System officials were recognized by Lifeline of Ohio for its efforts to increase organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations. (L-R) Matt Colflesh, Chief Medical Officer; Jonathan Albarano, Critical Care; Laurie Labishak, Market Director, Marketing and Communications; Jessica Porter, Clinical Manager, Critical Care; April Lopez, Lifeline of Ohio Organ Procurement (LOOP) Donation Program Coordinator; Matt Grimshaw, Market President; Rhonda Hatfield, Chief Nursing Officer; Dwayne Richardson, President, Twin City Medical Center.
Steubenville, Ohio – December 12, 2024 – Trinity Health System earned national recognition for its efforts to increase organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations through the 2024 DoNation Campaign.
The DoNation Campaign challenges organizations to educate their staff, visitors, and communities about the critical need for organ, eye, and tissue donation, including offering opportunities to register as organ donors. Trinity Health System earned Platinum recognition for conducting awareness and registry activities between Oct. 1, 2023, and Sept. 30, 2024.
“The importance of this award is to raise awareness and shows the hospital’s dedication to assisting those efforts,” Jessica Porter, MSN, RN, Critical Care Clinical Manager, Trinity Health System, said. “It also shows our commitment to supporting families and their loved ones in these decisions and helping others who are waiting for these life altering events as well. We are dedicated not only to the families here in the hospital, but it shows our support to continue these efforts in the community by raising awareness and getting families to talk about their decisions regarding organ donation.”
The Campaign is a national initiative that unites the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, and the organ donation community with workplaces across the nation in spreading the word about the importance of donation. Trinity Health System worked with Lifeline of Ohio to leverage its outreach efforts.
Every nine minutes, another person is added to the national organ transplant waiting list, reaffirming the critical and growing need for more registered organ, eye, and tissue donors. You can sign up to be a donation hero today!
For more information about the DoNation Campaign, visit: https://www.organdonor.gov/professionals/workplace/partners