by Mobilize 360 | Jun 15, 2019 | One Spirit Blog, Spirituality
When I was growing up we had several gardens around our house. The largest one of all was used just for growing potatoes. I can still remember those potato planting days. The whole family helped. After my Dad had tilled the soil, my Mom, brothers, and I went to...
by Mobilize 360 | Jun 13, 2019 | One Spirit Blog, Spirituality
One of my favorite oil paintings is that of the Eiffel Tower. It is one of the most recognizable landmarks on the planet. Built as the grand entrance to an 1889 world trade fair, the tower receives thousands of visitors every year and is a favorite spot for romantic...
by Mobilize 360 | Jun 13, 2019 | Growth, News And Notes, One Spirit Blog, Rewards
Thank YOU to Everyone who completed the PCA Survey! Although we did not meet our overall goal of 80%, many departments did reach their individual goals and will be treated to a special lunch! Your department leader will let you know when to expect this treat! During...
by Mobilize 360 | Jun 7, 2019 | One Spirit Blog, Spirituality
Twelve year-old David Whitthoft wore the same Green Bay Packers football jersey every day for over four years. For 1,581 straight days, David donned the jersey of his hero, QB Brett Favre. Week after week, month after month, and school year after school year, David’s...
by Mobilize 360 | Jun 6, 2019 | One Spirit Blog, Spirituality
I used to work as a chaplain in a VA Medical Center. Sadly there were veterans coming home from warzones without limbs, suffering from severe PTSD, who curl up like an infant and became very hostile when I came to visit. Oftentimes they would use profanity to get me...