Q&A with Wendy Ralston about Monday’s Human Trafficking 101 Session

Q&A with Wendy Ralston about Monday’s Human Trafficking 101 Session

On Monday, May 6, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Sullivan Room at Trinity Medical Center West, Trinity Health System, in partnership with Eyes Up Appalachia and Forensic Nursing Network, Inc. (FNN), will host a seminar titled Human Trafficking 101 with an...
Buy Your Cancer Survivor Day Shirts Today!

Buy Your Cancer Survivor Day Shirts Today!

Trinity Health System will be celebrating National Cancer Survivor Day on June 7, 2024. Show your support with a Cancer Survivor Day T-shirt. A portion of every shirt will benefit the Oncology Equipment Fund. Order your T-shirt by scanning the QR code in the flyer...
Listen! Wendy Ralston Discusses Behavioral Health on Novotney Now

Listen! Wendy Ralston Discusses Behavioral Health on Novotney Now

Last Thursday, April 25, 2024, Wendy Ralston, Director, Behavioral Health Services, Trinity Health System, appeared on the afternoon River Network talk show Novotney Now in the 4 p.m. hour to discuss various issues related to behavioral health. Their informative...
Trinity Health System Congratulates Dietitian Jessica Rea on Receiving PAND Emerging Dietetic Leader Award

Trinity Health System Congratulates Dietitian Jessica Rea on Receiving PAND Emerging Dietetic Leader Award

Steubenville, Ohio—April 29, 2024– Trinity Health System is pleased to announce that Jessica Rea, MS, RDN, LD, Clinical Dietitian II, Trinity Health System, has been selected as the recipient of the 2024 Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (PAND)...
Herald-Star: Doctor, family trust give what they can for India’s poor

Herald-Star: Doctor, family trust give what they can for India’s poor

Our thanks to the Herald-Star and reporter Christopher Dacanay for their feature story on Dr. Sathish Magge, Interventional Cardiologist, Trinity Health System, and his mission work in Doddamagge, India. Below is an excerpt from the piece. You can read the story in...
Listen! Wendy Ralston Discusses Behavioral Health on Novotney Now

Today! Wendy Ralston Discusses Behavioral Health on Novotney Now

Wendy Ralston, Director, Behavioral Health Services, Trinity Health System, will be interviewed from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. today, Thursday, April 25, on Novotney Now on The River Network. Novotney Now is hosted by veteran journalist Steve Novotney, who has been a voice in...