Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Today, we remember the men and women in uniform who sacrificed so much to defend our freedom. We thank them and their families for their overwhelming sacrifices, especially those who to laid down their lives for the people and the nation they so loved. Please make a...
Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Spiritual Nugget 5.24.19

A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied in life. But one day he saw a swan. “This swan is so white,” he thought, “and I am so black. This swan must be the happiest bird in the world.” He expressed his thoughts to the swan. “Actually,” the...
Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Spiritual Nugget 5.23.19

Pastor Ken Crockett wrote the following: When I first enrolled in seminary, I found an apartment room next to a railroad crossing. I wondered why the apartment rent was so cheap—and found out the first night. A train came through in the middle of the night, blasting...
Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Spiritual Nugget 5.22.19

A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated National Nurses Week and appreciate the amazing sacrifices given by our heroic men and women who wear the uniform. Here is a reflection by a nurse for a nurse…or any of us in the medical profession! One thing that keeps me going...
Spiritual Nugget 5.27.19

Spiritual Nugget 5.21.19

I received a card in the mail the other day from the optometrist, and the title was “Just A Reminder.” He was reminding me to schedule my annual exam. As I looked at the card, I began to think that sometimes we all need ‚Äújust a reminder.‚Äù Just a...