Fit for Life is a Program Driven by Personal Experience (Part 2)

Fit for Life is a Program Driven by Personal Experience (Part 2)

Kelly Bowe, Project Coordinator, is passionate about Fit for Life, because she has personally benefited from it. “I was one of the first participants of the Fit for Life program that started classes in 2006,” Bowe said. “I had just begun working at Trinity Hospital...
Fit for Life is a Program Driven by Personal Experience (Part 2)

Trinity Hospital Twin City Fit for Life Program Flourishes (Part 1)

Trinity Hospital Twin City in Dennison, Ohio, has found great success with its Fit for Life program. Testimonials abound as to the success participants have had with Fit for Life, and enrollment in the program continues to grow. “I feel blessed to work for a hospital...
Prevent Breast Cancer with an Annual 3D Mammogram

Prevent Breast Cancer with an Annual 3D Mammogram

“You have breast cancer.” Those are some of the scariest words in the English language, but unfortunately, patients hear it all too commonly. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women, after skin cancer, and it affects 1 in 8 women...
Ovarian Cancer: Everything You Need to Know

Ovarian Cancer: Everything You Need to Know

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that occurs mainly in the ovary’s cells and often spreads to the surrounding pelvic area. Women have two ovaries, located on either side of the uterus, and they play an important role in reproduction and are responsible for the...